If you've received an e-mail informing you that your application has been rejected, you're probably wondering why and what this means.
During the rental file evaluation process, our insurance partner Mila carefully examines the information provided to determine tenant eligibility.
Here are some possible reasons why your file has been rejected:
- Insufficient income: The refusal may be due to income considered insufficient to cover the rent and associated charges. Mila examines the relationship between your income and the rent to ensure that you will be able to meet your financial obligations.
- Ineligible income: It is possible that your income does not meet the eligibility criteria required for the accommodation in question. This may be the case, for example, if you are on a fixed-term contract that is due to expire soon.
- Non-compliance: Mila carefully checks the documents provided in your application for authenticity and compliance. If irregularities are detected, such as a falsified payslip or other non-compliant documents, this may result in a refusal.
It is important to note that in some cases, certain tenants are not eligible for Mila certification, and are therefore not covered by their unpaid rent guarantee.