Your tenant's security deposit will be retained by Qasa for the duration of the lease, except in the event of non-payment.
For unfurnished accommodation, the security deposit is equivalent to one month's rent excluding charges. For furnished accommodation, the security deposit is equivalent to two months' rent excluding charges.
When should the security deposit be returned to the tenant?
This will depend on the tenant's situation after the departure inventory of fixtures, see below:
Conforming inventory of fixtures :
The security deposit will be returned within a maximum of 1 month, starting on the day the tenant returns the keys to the property by one of the following means.
In the event that the security deposit is not returned to the former tenant within the deadline, its amount will be increased by a sum equal to 10% of the monthly rent (excluding charges) for each month of delay commenced.
Non-compliant inventory of fixtures :
In the event of a non-conforming inventory of fixtures, you are entitled to retain part or all of the security deposit, depending on the work to be carried out and on presentation of an estimate/justifying the amount announced.
Of course, the tenant also has the right to contest the amount withheld, which is why it's important to provide proof of the amount withheld.